by Puteri Arisha


I would like to ask all of you. Does a dream only belong to people who have talent? If you have no talent, should you not even dream? If you’re going to dream, you have to close your eyes first. If you close your eyes, it’s not important what other people think of you. You have to close your eyes, in order to meet your true self instead of the self that others see in you. The self that I meet when I close my eyes tells me this. It tells me never to give up on the dream. The reason why is because a dream isn’t just for those who have the talent, but for those who dream.

So, to all the dreamers out there, don’t you ever, and ever and ever dare to stop dreaming. I’m begging you. Go for that thing you’ve always wanted. Persist. Keep knocking on the door. Live your dream, feel it and breathe it. Don’t let micro issues determine your outcome.  It saddens me to see people put their dreams aside for temporary measures. Your dream will last a lifetime, it's ever-evolving. So, pursue it. And, don’t let anyone get in your way.

If you give up on your dreams, it means you never wanted it so, you don’t deserve to get it. So please don’t stop working hard if you really want your dreams to become real. Believe in yourself and your dreams. If you don’t believe in yourself, who will? Only you have the power to believe in your dreams, in your heart and in yourself more than anyone.

You don’t need your friends to live your dreams. You don’t need your family members to live your dreams. But, YOU!!! Yeah,  IT’S YOU! You and only you have got the power to make your dreams come true. Only you and no one else. Remember, one thing: 
“Short-term pain equals long-term gain”.


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